For some time now, blogging has been a fantastic way to earn some extra money online for me. We see that numerous full-time bloggers are making thousands of dollars per month from ads on their blog. They just blog baby. The question is, can we also become a bit like them?
Do we at least have a chance to make maybe 10% of their income? Do we also have the courage for getting successful like them? Well, all these questions can have a ‘no’ and ‘yes’ answer, it all depends on ourselves, our commitments, the way we want to see ourselves working in future, our current living situation, and so on.
But what about a part-time internet newbie like I am? Do I also have a chance? The answer is a short yes! But keep in mind that writing a blog is not at all easy, and to find or write compelling content isn’t easy as well.
Attracting traffic to your site is also a challenging task, more difficult, and getting an audience to stick to your website and read your blog is probably the worst part.
Apart from blogging, what other options do you have? For me, I have several choices that I implemented and started to generate some income for me. These choices are web directory and article directory. I have a couple of them and I’m pretty happy with the results so far.